💸Market Analysis Endpoints

Presents the information regarding different dimensions of Exchanges


GET https://api.wisdomise.io/v1/insights/market-analysis-trading/trending

Funding Rate (Available upon request)

GET https://api.wisdomise.io/v1/insights/market-analysis-trading/funding

Liquidation (Available upon request)

GET https://api.wisdomise.io/v1/insights/market-analysis-trading/liquidation

Relative Unrealized Profit/Loss (Available upon request)

GET https://api.wisdomise.io/v1/insights/market-analysis-trading/relative-unrealized-pnl

Fear and Greed Index (Available upon request)

GET https://api.wisdomise.io/v1/insights/market-analysis-trading/sentiment

Market Value to Realized Value (Available upon request)

GET https://api.wisdomise.io/v1/insights/market-analysis-trading/mvrv

Coin Risk Estimation (Available upon request)

GET https://api.wisdomise.io/v1/insights/market-analysis-trading/risk

Predict The Volatility of Next Time Interval (Available upon request)

GET https://api.wisdomise.io/v1/insights/market-analysis-trading/volatility

Use Cases

Best coins in terms of performance and market cap.

Funding Rate

Funding rates are periodic payments between traders to make the perpetual futures contract price close to the index price. If the funding rate is positive, it means there are too many bullish investors, the funding rate gets paid to traders who are short. If the funding rate is negative, the traders who are short are the ones who be paid

Total Liquidations

A number of the investors being liquidated in the past period, long vs short.

Relative Unrealized Profit/Loss

Relative Unrealized Profit/Loss is derived from market value and realized value to track investor sentiment over time.

Bitcoin Fear/Greed Index

Market sentiment tool gauging investor's fear and greed over time.

MVRV Ratio

Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) is the ratio between market cap and realized cap. It gives an indication of when the traded price is below a "fair value", MVRV is calculated by simply dividing market value by realized value on a daily basis

Risk Estimator

One of the main concepts of the financial markets is to optimize trading in a way that satisfies users' loss tolerance. Risk estimation can be used to get a better understanding of the market situation to reduce the probability of losing wealth. it can be used as a dynamic stop loss for trades positions as well.

Volatility Predictor

Volatility indicates the amount of fluctuation in the market which is useful to understand what is the best time to enter for a specific amount of money and what is the risk of facing slippage. It can be used to evaluate market risk before entering the position.

Last updated